The Christmas Disco was a great success. There was lots of dancing and singing and most importantly, lots of fun! Although it was hard to catch them standing still, we managed to get a few photographs of the boys and girls during the Christmas Disco.

p1010754 p1010757 p1010760 p1010761 p1010762 p1010846 p1010847 p1010848 p1010849 p1010850 p1010851   p1010855 p1010858 p1010865 p1010854 p1010852


There was great excitement when Santy came to visit the children.

p1010780 p1010777 p1010772 p1010787 p1010791 p1010803 p1010812 p1010813 p1010818 p1010831 p1010840 p1010841